< Parts2clean Stuttgart 2018
COVID-19 information
Dear business partner,
we support your enterprise also in these difficult times!
Our first priority is to guarantee security of our staff, municipalities and clients by preventing spreading of COVID-19. Due to that we have some news for you:
- We cancelled all our trips and visits that could endanger the health of our customers and employees
- Our employees are available by telephone or eMail
- Our and the production plant of SIMCO are in operation with preventive measures
Thanks to the commitment of all involved we are able to continue producing and delivering your orders. However, we would like to point out that preventive measures and longer delivery times of our suppliers can also result in longer delivery times for our company. We ask for your understanding.
If you have any questions or enquiries contact us.
+49 7134-13992-0
Yours sincerely
Günther Lutz (CEO) Vanessa Lutz (CEO)