IONClean 23150008
IONClean 23150008
- General
- Detail
The IONCLEAN 23150008 cleaning system is designed as astanding workstation. The suction unit with filter elementis located inside the system, the control box with the LOGO module is fitted at the rear. The table surface contains arecess at working height, with a carrier module for the product. To keep dirt away from the surroundings, the unitis enclosed with perspex to the right, left and rear.
The system contains two cleaning stations:
Station 1: Rotary nozzles and ionised air.
Station 2: Needle nozzles with compressed airfor diffi cult-to-reach areas.
Jammed or hardened particles are removed by subjectingthe component to vibration.
- Complete cleaning system
- Controlled via LOGO
- Communicates with customer's control system
- Needle nozzles for problem areas
- Vibration gives improved result
- Integral suction function